With the purchase of Apostle Steve's New Year, New You, New Path package, your life will ABSOLUTELY NEVER BE THE SAME. This package includes the first TWO of ELEVEN books God has commissioned Apostle to release in 2018. 2+0+1+8=11. The Number is ELEVEN is the number of MASTERING. This package is definitely going to help you MASTER the reality of God's best for your life.
Everyone of us was blessed and endowed by God with unique gifts to serve the earth. We all have TWENTY-FOUR hours in the day. How we master those hours however, are the key ingredients to mastering our gifts. It's time to master your time and your gifts, so that you can begin taking your dreams, goal, and aspirations and convert them into tangible realities that others can see and begin to appreciate.
This package is DYNAMITE in the hands of the person who is ready to move beyond the place life has presented so far. If that's you, this will be the BEST investment you can make to JUMP-START 2018.